Hey there! :)
missed me?
Sorry I haven't been updating.
connection's been really laggy.
so, college is re-opening tomorrow,
and, I sure am dreading every second of going back there.
Happy times just flies by real fast, no? Sighs.
anyways, no proper update this time,
blogger and maxis are being extremely annoying.
I have absolutely no idea why they're being so inefficient, especially during the HOLIDAYS.
pfffft. such a turnoff.
oh well.. bear with me for the time being, alright?
heh. :)
Hrmmm. Nothing spectacular happened for the week, I would say.
Just a few catch up sessions and whatnot that I personally enjoyed very very much.
So, I've Been out for a class reunion over at Pyramid on Tuesday,
and, had a threesome hangout in MidV with em' babes too. (:
Dropped by Tanya's condo for a short girlie gossip session after that. ;)
Yum cha session with maine,dudu and Henry on Wed.
Shopping with daddy on Thursday, and OUG night market right after.
Movie/drama/TV series marathon on Friday.
Caught The Ugly Truth with Y.hui and Arthur in OU yesterday morning,
Post birthday dinner celebration at Hilton Hotel for the elder brother at night.
Pigged out today. :P
I guess that pretty much sums up the whole entire agenda for the past 7 days or so.
Not many shots taken for the week. :(
but, oh well..

don't we just love chilling out, and have our lil' chats? :)

threesome. (:

I personally like this pic. (:
was getting ready for the birthday dinner celebration.
I've got a bad feeling about tomorrow. :'(
oh, what a bummer.
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