Monday, April 6, 2009

"Take that horrible creature away from me!"

Apart from the sound of my fingers resting on the keyboard,
the atmosphere was rather quiet,
I've always had the tendency to look around while working,
and, as I was doing so this time, I heard a faint buzz,
"Could it be the spinning fan?" I thought to myself.
but no, at the corner of my eye,
I saw something, an orangey brownish creature,
approaching the windows of my room.

closer and closer it got....

I stepped back in horror. afraid.

To my dismay, It had wings as long as my fingers, and, it was making those scary buzzing noises I heard awhile ago.
at first glance, i thought it was an orange dragonfly,
after all, dragonflies are orange, and have wings, no?

But, no. it wasn't a dragonfly.
It was a flying cockroach.
yes, a cockraoch.
and, a FLYING one. :/

I HATE cockroaches. ugh.

by the way, it flew over my head.

1 comment:

  1. Really beautiful posting! Congratulations!!!
